Author(s): 1.Chideno Shitire , 2. Dr. Surendra Yadav, and 3. Mary N. Odyuo
Authors Affiliations:
1 Research scholar, Department of Teacher Education, Nagaland University, Meriema Campus, Kohima, India
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Nagaland University, Meriema Campus, Kohima, India
3Associate Professor, , Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Nagaland University, Medziphema Campus, Medziphema, India
DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/202501010     |     Paper ID: IJIRMF202501010The word ‘Scientific Temper’ was coined by India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru in his book “The discovery of India” where he referred scientific temper to be an attitude of logical and rational thinking. Scientific Temper of B. Ed students in Nagaland has been investigated in order to know the level of Scientific Temper of B. Ed students. All B. Ed students from Nagaland was considered as population of the study where 550 samples were randomly selected from 8 B. Ed colleges of Nagaland. Mean, SD, t-test and ANOVA were used to find out the significant differences with respect to gender, management and pedagogy. The findings showed that B. Ed students in Nagaland have high level of Scientific Temper. The findings further revealed that no significant differences were found in the Scientific Temper of B. Ed students with regard to gender, management and pedagogy. However, significant differences were found between ‘free from superstition’ dimension of Scientific Temper and pedagogy where the computed Fvalue was 2.663 which is significant at 0.01 level of significance.
Chideno Shitire , Dr. Surendra Yadav, and Mary N. Odyuo (2025), “A STUDY ON SCIENTIFIC TEMPER OF B. ED STUDENTS IN NAGALAND”, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, ISSN(O): 2455-0620, Vol-11, Issue-1, Pp.60-70. Available on – https://www.ijirmf.com/ DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/202501010
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