Change In Population Growth and Its Characteristics: A Case Study of Haora Municipal Corporation, West Bengal, India (2001—2011)
Author(s): 1.Pritha Saha, 2. Poushali Bhattacharyya, 3. Dr. Nilanjana Das,
Authors Affiliations:
- Faculty, Department of Geography, Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College, University of Calcutta, India
- Former PG-Student, Department of Geography, Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College, University of Calcutta, India
- Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Calcutta, India
The rate of population growth, particularly in developing countries, is rapidly increasing due to an increase in fertility rates and a decrease in mortality rates. If a province or region experiences a large influx of migrants, it can lead to a potentially explosive situation. This is a common occurrence in countries such as India, where migration from rural to urban areas leads to a proliferation in urban pocket population growth. This study evaluates the changes in population growth as well as population characteristics of different wards in Haora Municipal Corporation between 2001 and 2011. Secondary data is analyzed using quantitative methods. The decadal change of spatial population composition has been discussed thoroughly.
Pritha Saha, Poushali Bhattacharyya, Dr. Nilanjana Das (2025); Change In Population Growth and Its Characteristics: A Case Study of Haora Municipal Corporation, West Bengal, India (2001—2011); International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, ISSN: 2455-0620, Vol-11, Issue-1, Pp.16-28, DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/202501003 Available on –
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