31, January 2025

Corporate communication in the era of fake news: Strategies for authentication

Author(s): 1 Vani Pradeep, 2 Dr. Jesus Milton Rousseau S.,

Authors Affiliations:

1 Research Student, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Jain (Deemed-to-be) University, Bengaluru, India

2 Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Jain (Deemed-to-be) University, Bengaluru, India

DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/202501017     |     Paper ID: IJIRMF202501017

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The research paper investigates the challenges posed by fake news to corporate communication, emphasizing the need for effective strategies to maintain authenticity and protect corporate reputation. It explores the relationship between corporate communication and fake news, utilizing a quantitative survey to assess public perceptions across India. Key findings reveal that fake news significantly impacts corporate reputation, with prevalent tactics including misleading headlines and manipulated media. The paper categorizes types of fake news—misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information—and discusses their implications for corporate communication. It highlights the role of social media in spreading fake news and the necessity for companies to adopt proactive measures, such as artificial intelligence and fact-checking services, to counter misinformation. The conclusion calls for a strategic approach to corporate communication that includes monitoring media channels and engaging with audiences transparently, ultimately recommending future research directions to further understand and mitigate the effects of fake news on corporations.

Fake News, Corporate Communication, Crisis Communication, Reputation Management, Social Media, Misinformation, Disinformation, Authentication Strategies, Communication Strategies.

Vani Pradeep,  Dr. Jesus Milton Rousseau S. (2025);, Corporate communication in the era of fake news: Strategies for authentication, International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, ISSN(O): 2455-0620, Vol-11, Issue-1, Pp.113-122.          Available on –   https://www.ijirmf.com/        DOIs:10.2015/IJIRMF/202501017

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