Volume: 1 | Issue: 3 | Published in : October – 2015

IJIRMF201510001 Globalization and its Impact on Health – Dr. Ankita Dixit 1-6
IJIRMF201510002 Impact of Globalization on Indian Technical Education System – Dr. Manoj kumar Sharma 7-11
IJIRMF201510003 Cyber crimes and Globalization – Dr. Bijendr Pradhan 12-16
IJIRMF201510004 An Assessment of role of Human in CRM success in some selected Banks in Lucknow city –    Dr. Ramesh Kumar 17-26
IJIRMF201510005 An Idea of a Globally Distributed Software Engineering Class – Manoj Saini 27-33
IJIRMF201510006 Globalization and and its Impact on Rural Agricultural in India  – Monika Jangid 34-37
IJIRMF201510007 Impact of Globalization on Women Empowerment in India – Neeta  Panchal 38-47
IJIRMF201510009 Negative Impact of Globalization – Hitesh Rajpurohit 57-60
IJIRMF201510010 GLOBALIZATION OF EDUCATION    –   Priyanka Agarwal 61-66
IJIRMF201510011 Social Development of Indian Masses through MALL Culture  – R.C.GUPTA 67-70
IJIRMF201510014 A Survey:  Indian Cyber Law and Crime And It’s Prevention Techniques  – Sangeeta Singh 79-85
IJIRMF201510016 Globalization and Our Heritage: A Review – L.N Sharma 91-95
IJIRMF201510017 Collision of globalization on Indian economy-  A broad idea towards LPG Model – Dr. Gaurav Khanna 96-101
IJIRMF201510019 Historical Analysis of Indian Culture of Globalisation  – Ruchi Solanki 106-109
IJIRMF201510021 A Critical study on Global issues of missing Children  – Hardik Raval 114-120
IJIRMF201510022 Globalization of sports Management in Indian Context  – Ankit Kharb 121-126
IJIRMF201510023 Social impact of Globalization on Developing Countries  – Dr. Mukesh Kumar Mahawar 127-132
IJIRMF201510024 Impact of Globalization on Business Environment of Developing Countries – Dr. Rajesh & Dipesh 133-137
IJIRMF201510025 An Article on Globalization Trends in Indian Market; Principles  and Public Responsibilities  – Nikita Deora 138-141
IJIRMF201510026 Globalization studies on Role of police under criminal Justice system  – Meenu Dayma 142-148
IJIRMF201510031 Globalization and Improving the Teaching and Learning of English Language through ICT – Chirag Patel 164-171
IJIRMF201510032 Globalization and its Effect on Tribal Development  – Sephali Pradhan 171-178
IJIRMF201510033 Consumer Protection in Cyber Space – Adv. Bhumika Choubisa 179-184
